Monday, August 23, 2010

antara ikhlas dan sabar

Ikhlas dan Sabar...dua patah perkataan yg amat mudah untuk di lontarkan..nanum pengertiannya amat sukar..seringkali dalam pergaulan kita terdengar 'saya ikhlas'..'saya sabar' namun hakikatnya..payah untuk mencapainya..mengapa tidak ikhlas??? HATI penuh dengan sifat mazmumah..riak..sombong, suka mempermainkan dan mempersendakan orang, suka melihat kepedihan dan kesengsaraan orang lain..mengapa tidak sabar??? nafsu mengatakan berdendam itu lebih baik dari bersabar @ memaafkan...HATI yang tidak tenang akan menjadikan jiwa kita tidak ikhlas dan tidak sabar...justeru itu..hanya kita yang berhak membuat pilihan samada untuk terus kekal dalam sifat mazmumah atau memilih untuk mencari jiwa yang penuh dengan sifat mahmudah..

'Wahai jiwa yang tenang..kembalilah kepada Tuhan mu dala keadaan AKU redha dan engkau redha, oleh itu masuklah ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaKU.. ..dan masuk lah ke dalam syurgaKU' ( Al-Fajr )

Monday, August 2, 2010

My heart

HEART..A piece of flesh that lies in our determine who we are..good or bad..Not many realise how important it is to us..many follow their heart without using their mind..i have a friend who always think that she is the best, unbeatable and she is always right..when she found out someone becomes her rival, she will back bitting them, create nonsense and influence others so that they will looking low on her worsen the situation, she will make up stories to show how good she is so that everybody will think she is the best, the most adorable one and the most influence one among all...eventually all her actions make most people hate her..try to stay away from her and make her a lonely perso as nobody really want to be with her..i think she is sick and need help..why..her piece of flesh in her is rotten..dirty and need a I am one of her victims..i never boycott her and neither do i backfiring her although she always slander me..the best way is only communicate on neccessities and let her lives in her lonely am so happy coz all people around me being so supportive and love me dearly..I dont lose anything despite of her action but Al Mighty bestows me so many things so that I thank HIM for give me a HEART that is Worthwhile..