Friday, November 5, 2010

3 Angels

3 angels in action

This is the best name to give to my group, 3 angels, even though we are not as beautiful as angels. We were in a same university when we pursued our first degree but we were not very close..when we met, we were only exchanging smiles..ironically when both of us met in our MA class, we became very close friends. We put ourselves in same group. First, all of us felt so intimidated and belittle as most our course mates were lectures and overseas university leavers. We? only primary school teachers who were too ambitious to make self betterment in life. But, we kept on whispering to ourselves that we were here not to compete or challenge each other, so we adjusted ourselves according to our own pace and rhythm..and luckily our course mates were very supportive and built a rapport relationship with us. But as for me, sheela and ju, we stick together as one. I still remember when my youngest son was admitted and having minor surgery, both of them came to hospital to finish our group assignment, We managed to get permission from the hospital admins to have a suitable spot to discuss and finished our work as we didnt like to procrastinate work. Their love, support and concern make me proud to have them as my very best friends. A tribute to my beloved Johaini and Susheela..You are always in my heart.

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